poniedziałek, 16 stycznia 2017

Iris plateau

This case illustrates the presentation of plateau iris syndrome in an unsymptomatic 47-year-old female patient. Plateau iris refers to the anatomical configuration of the iris. PLateau Iris is a relatively uncommon form of primary angle closure glaucoma seen more often in younger adults than pupillary block angle-closure glaucoma.

Angle closure in plateau iris is most often caused by anteriorly positioned ciliary processes that critically narrow the anterior chamber recess by pushing the peripheral iris forward. This condition is characterized by closing of the anterior chamber angle secondary to a large or anteriorly positioned ciliary body that mechanically alters the position of the peripheral iris in relation to the trabecular meshwork.

This configuration is usually corrected surgically, for example by iridectomy. If the glaucoma persists even after iridectomy then it is called plateau iris syndrome and subsequently. The term plateau iris syndrome refers to the clinical picture of angle closure despite a patent iridectomy. UBM is useful for the evaluation of plateau iris (Figure 2). Iris plateau to płaskie ukształtowanie tęczówki, w następstwie którego dochodzi do zamykania się kąta.

Cechą charakterystyczną jest głęboka komora przednia w jej centralnej części. Wykonanie laserowej irydotomii czy gonioplastyki laserem argonowym są zazwyczaj niewystarczające i wymagają stosowania miejscowo środków. Finally, plateau iris has been considered an anatomic variant of iris structure in which the iris periphery angulates sharply forward from its insertion point and then again angulates sharply and centrally backwar along with an anterior positioning of the ciliary processes seen on ultrasound biomicroscopy.

Le syndrome d’ iris plateau est une affection oculaire définie comme une forme spécifique et rare de glaucome par fermeture d’angle. Les mécanismes physiopathologiques de la maladie ont notamment pu être observés grâce à l’évolution de la biomicroscopie ultrasonore. De ce fait, le diagnostic de syndrome d’ iris plateau ne peut être posé qu’en cas de fermeture de l’angle persistant malgré la présence d’une iridotomie ou iridectomie patente. Whereas earlier studies implicated a peculiar anatomic configuration of the peripheral iris which allowed it to bunch in the angle and occlude the trabecular meshwork with pupillary dilation, it is now understood that angle closure occurs because the ciliary processes. Laser peripheral iridoplasty effectively alters the plateau iris configuration and opens the angle in these eyes (Fig.

73-4). EMR endoskopia gastroskopia gruczolak gruczolakorak histerektomia histopatologia implant jelito grube kolonoskopia krwawienie laparoskopia odbytnica okrężnica patomorfologia pes polip przełyk rak rak żołądka specjalizacja lekarska testy pes. Plateau configuration of the iris with deeper central anterior chamber but shallow in periphery Relative pupillary block Angle crowding by peripheral iris tissue. There are two aspects that need to be differentiated: plateau iris configuration and plateau iris syndrome. A differentiation between “plateau iris configuration” and “plateau iris syndrome” must be made.

Il est donc possible de suspecter un iris plateau dès l’examen clinique (figures et 4). Diagnostic différentiel : blocage pupillaire. L’iris est convexe, le corps ciliaire en position normale (a, b). Ce deuxième cas est beaucoup plus rare. Le découpage en IRIS peut être affecté par les modifications de la géographie communale (fusions de communes, créations ou rétablissements de communes, échanges de parcelles).

What is plateau iris configuration? In most people, the iris is flat like a trampoline. A plateau iris is shaped more like a bottle cap.

The steep drop-off at the edge allows the iris to block the drainage channel of the eye. The irises of individuals with plateau iris is bunched up in the anterior. Two years later the concept of plateau iris was published.

Presentado por la doctora Claudia Patricia Medina Marino.

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