Zainspiruj się VitaJuwel. Zacznij myśleć o wodzie w innym wymiarze! Tam, gdzie elegancja spotyka się z funkcjonalnością.
Gdzie wypicie szklanki wody jest czymś więcej niż ugaszeniem pragnienia. Gdzie czysta woda smakuje świeżo jak ze źródła i znajduje się w pięknym naczyniu z pozornie lewitującą fiolką pełną cennych klejnotów.
VitaJuwel is the modern interpretation of age-old traditions. Many cultures have been vitalizing their water with gemstones for thousands of years. We have rediscovered this knowledge with a contemporary, sophisticated approach. Our mission: Natural elegance combined with holistic functionality.
The healing powers of crystals have been known for thousands of years, their use can be traced as far back as 1st century A when Greek physician and father of pharmacology, Pedanios Discorides, used crystals to assist in the healing of patients. Explore the ViA world to find your bottle that suits your needs and wishes! Vitajuwel handcrafted vials are so much more than just jewellery for water.
On offer is a wide variety of fascinating gem blends all based on modern insights of crystal healing.
WATER BOTTLES - VIA. Enjoy gem water that appears fresh from a spring wherever you go. Vitajuwel Via is your perfect companion for on the way to work, shopping, and at. Energy flows where intention goes.
Vibrational therapy is safe, painless and complementary to your overall wellness plan. We offer products and services such as gemstone essences, quantum laser therapy, homeopathic remedies, aura balancing, aromatherapy, organic cosmetics, jewelry and Bach Flower essences and consultations. Srdce této rodinné značky tvoří přírodní drahokamy. Energie přírody v kombinaci s jedinečným designem otevírá cestu k pití čisté vody všem generacím.
Mes tikime gamtos dovanomis, saugome ir vertiname jas. Didelė meilė, ilgametis darbas bei profesionalūs tyrimai padovanojo pasauliui fijoles VitaJuwel. Vor einiger Zeit hatte ich die. Posiadają niepowtarzalny i minimalist. Odkryj kolejny etap w rozwoju akcesoriów wodnych VitaJuwel.
They are tailored to specific attributes and follow those crystal healing practices. Of course all of our stone are sustainably sourced and fairly traded. What in the world is gem-water?
Make Your Own Spring Water with the Power of Crystals. Shipping is always free and returns are accepted at any location. In-store pickup and alterations services available. In the past, you may have prepared your crystal elixirs by putting the gems directly in yourdrinkingwater.
Thismeansyourgems needed to be thoroughly scrubbed on a regular basis. Unfortunately, regular scrubbing usually causes gems become dull over time. Ručně tříděné drahokamy, vysoce kvalitní sklo, drahá ruční práce, fascinující výsledek, špičkový design to jsou synonyma pro drahokamové fioly Vitajuwel.
Sticla Via de 500ml formată din recipient de sticlă pură, capac și capsulă de sticlă pură cu amestec de cristal de stancă, turmalină neagră, cuarț roz și aventurin. Care a fost primul tău cuvânt? Unde am fi astăzi fără mamele noastre?
Pentru aproape toți, nimeni nu este la fel de important în viața noastră ca și mamele noastre. Ea este manager de familie, organizator de. Along with exercise and a balanced diet, nothing supports an active lifestyle better than enough fresh water.
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